Will You Be 1 or 300?

The Altar of His Presence. My new book will be available online and in bookstores on July 17 (next Monday). For thousands of years altars have played a significant role in the spiritual lives of God's people. From the first mention of the word in Genesis Chapter Eight, the altar has been a "meeting place" between the Lord and His people.
Inside the Tabernacle of Moses there were two altars. The first, in the Outer Court, was named, the Brazen Altar. Built out of brass the Brazen Altar was the place where animal's blood was shed and "covered" the sins of an individual. This "covering" enabled them to be "seen as righteous" in the sight of God. The second altar was placed in front of the large and imposing curtain that separated the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place. It was called the Altar of Incense. This altar "uncovered" the heart of the true worshipper. Morning and evening the High Priest offered incense “up” to the LORD. The rising aroma of the incense was an ongoing offering of praise and worship given by the Priest and God's people.

The altar is no longer about shedding the blood of animals or offering incense. It doesn't have to happen at a tabernacle, sanctuary or cathedral. It is not about us making an attempt to get God's attention or to stay His wrath. Coming to the altar is about us humbly calling upon the Name of the Lord. Those who call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved. But salvation is much more than entrance into heaven. Salvation is about wholeness. Wholeness comes through relationship. Such a relationship is based on the Lord's promise to meet with us, live in us and minister through us. His Word declares that if we will come to Him, He will deliver, heal, and create in us a new heart and mind.
I urge you to make plans to purchase your own copy of The Altar of His Presence. I encourage you to read it slowly. As you read, respond to the nudging of the Holy Spirit. Experience Him in ways never experienced before. He desires to put Himself on display to, in and through you. He wants to show the world and all who are in it how gracious, great and glorious He really is.


Here's where I need your help.

You can help us spread this much needed message to America and the world.

Next week the book will be sold in stores for $16.99 per copy. But, I believe the Lord has given me a plan to get a copy of this new book into the hands of thousands of Christian leaders before the end of the summer. How is that possible?

In Judges 6 the Lord called Gideon to lead a small contingent of Israelite volunteers (300 to be exact) to one of the greatest victories that has ever occurred on the earth. Like Gideon, I need 300 people to stand with us and give a $100 donation to our ministry before July 31st.  Every person who gives $100 will be given a signed copy to keep for themselves and 7 copies to give away to the leaders in their church, their friends and/or their family. This donation will also enable us to give another 8 books away to pastors, civic leaders, business people and to those who hold political office in our country.
The Lord has assured me that by giving away 5000 copies of our book, tens of thousands of people will hear the message of directly as well as in discussions, sermons and songs. We believe millions more will want to purchase their own copy of this powerful book.
Will you be 1 of 300? Would you go online or send your check today? Are you ready to receive your copies and give them away? You can do so by either emailing us at info@altarofhispresence.com (we will send you a link to give your $100 online) or by going to our bookstore at: www.thealtarofhispresence.com.

Now is the time for the world to hear this message. Our staff is standing by to send a first edition signed copy for you and the people in your life.

Don't delay!


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