
Showing posts from 2017

Find Your Spiritual Trysting Place

In my book, The Altar of His Presence, we studied some of the geographical places where altars were built and graced with the Lord’s manifested Presence to those of precious faith. These hallowed sites are known either because of the divine revelations or angelic appearances that supplemented the building of an altar. Mostly for sacrificing, sometimes only as a memorial, altars were named. Moses named his Jehovah Nissi, and Gideon named his the Lord is Peace. Others, like the one built by the leaders of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh, were not for burnt offering, nor sacrifice, but as a witness and testimony (see Josh. 22:26-27). Altars were made only of earth or unhewn stone on which no iron tool was used and without steps going up to them (see Exod. 20:24-26). With each of them there was neither spectacle nor decoration allowed. The altar was to be plain and simple, for it was the meeting place between God and man and therefore a place of shedding of blood without which there is no rem

Why I Chose to Write The Altar of His Presence

I want to thank everyone who had ordered a copy of my new book, The Altar of His Presence. I encourage you who have read or are reading your copy to review the book on either Amazon or Barnes and Noble. Many have asked why I chose to write The Altar of His Presence. My answer is that I wanted to give people a unique look at the ministry of the Holy Spirit. I truly feel that there are many people who are looking to deepen their spiritual lives and are spiritually hungry to have an intimate encounter with the glory of God. I also feel that it is important that we continue to grow in our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and the best way to do that is embracing the Holy Spirit in His person and purpose. Jesus told His disciples the night He was betrayed that the Holy Spirit would lead us to a deeper knowledge of the gospel truth. He said the Holy Spirit would also give us divine strength and enable us to undergo trials and persecutions on behalf of the Lord’s divine kingdom.

Will You Be 1 or 300?

The Altar of His Presence. My new book will be available online and in bookstores on July 17 (next Monday). For thousands of years altars have played a significant role in the spiritual lives of God's people. From the first mention of the word in Genesis Chapter Eight, the altar has been a "meeting place" between the Lord and His people. Inside the Tabernacle of Moses there were two altars. The first, in the Outer Court, was named, the Brazen Altar. Built out of brass the Brazen Altar was the place where animal's blood was shed and "covered" the sins of an individual. This "covering" enabled them to be "seen as righteous" in the sight of God. The second altar was placed in front of the large and imposing curtain that separated the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place. It was called the Altar of Incense. This altar "uncovered" the heart of the true worshipper. Morning and evening the High Priest offered incense “up” to the LORD.

July 3, 2017

MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN THE LIVES OF OTHERS Each of us were meant to make a difference in the lives of others. This includes the people with whom we interact with on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. You see God meant for each of us to live a life of divine purpose. Our greatest purpose in life is to share in the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. His ministry (lived through us) is not just for those who have a church position, a seminary degree or a license to preach. Ministry is for all of us. It is about fulfilling the specific mission God decreed over our lives even before we drew our first breath. Psalm 139:13-16 says, "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days

Moving Into New Spiritual Dimensions

MOVING INTO NEW SPIRITUAL DIMENSIONS If we are going to fully understand the relationship between the spiritual environment we live in and the advancement or lack thereof of personal growth, we need to look at nature. Such an observation was made by a man who makes his living by diving for exotic fish. The fish he catches are used to fill large aquariums. According to him, one of the most popular aquarium fish is the shark. The reason for this is that sharks adapt easily to their environment. The size a shark becomes is determined by the environment it lives in. If you catch a small shark and confine it, it will stay a size proportionate to the aquarium in which it lives. Sharks can be six inches long and yet fully mature. But turn them loose in the ocean and they will grow to their normal size. The same is true of most people. Some people live in a spiritual environment that causes their opportunity to “become” small. This is generally due to them living in a spiritual settin

A Tribute to My Dad by Bishop Robert Stone

This coming Sunday is Father’s Day here in the United States. Father’s Day is always celebrated the third Sunday of June. It is a day in which we give honor to the dad or dads that raised us. Today I would like to tell you about my dad and invite you to purchase a copy of my new book on our new bookstore website. Fourteen years ago today something very special and odd happened to me. While I was picking out a Father’s Day card in a card store with my wife Susan, the manifest Presence of the Holy Spirit overwhelmed me. Standing there in His Presence, He spoke to me. I have heard Him speak to me several times, but I have seldom heard His voice that clear. In fact, His words were so clear, I immediately turned away from the card stand. Hot tears filled my eyes as I turned and walked directly outside.  Dad, Mom and We Boys in Our Sunday Best! What did the Holy Spirit say that day? He said, “This will be the last year you will buy a Father’s Day card for your dad. Choose wisely.” Over

The Altar of His Presence Press Kit

         The Altar of His Presence by Robert Stone Inspiring Intimate Encounters with the Glory of God Destiny Image Publishers   PRODUCT INFORMATION Title: The Altar of His Presence Author: Robert Stone Publisher: Destiny Image Release Date: July 18, 2017 Format: 6x9, 208, Trade Paper Retail Price: $16.99 ISBN13: 9780768412260 SYNOPSIS When we hear the word, “altar,” we often associate it with images of death and sacrifice or of surrender and yielding. Although these associations do have their place, there is a New Covenant revelation of the altar that will usher your relationship with God into new experiential dimensions. Robert Stone lays out a revelatory blueprint for you to take your intimacy with God to new, marvelous and wonderful levels. You will: • Receive new revelation of how the biblical concept of the altar is a blueprint for you to experience the Holy Spirit more deeply • Gain new clarity in following the Holy Spirit’s leadi