Why I Chose to Write The Altar of His Presence

I want to thank everyone who had ordered a copy of my new book, The Altar of His Presence. I encourage you who have read or are reading your copy to review the book on either Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

Many have asked why I chose to write The Altar of His Presence. My answer is that I wanted to give people a unique look at the ministry of the Holy Spirit. I truly feel that there are many people who are looking to deepen their spiritual lives and are spiritually hungry to have an intimate encounter with the glory of God. I also feel that it is important that we continue to grow in our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and the best way to do that is embracing the Holy Spirit in His person and purpose.

Jesus told His disciples the night He was betrayed that the Holy Spirit would lead us to a deeper knowledge of the gospel truth. He said the Holy Spirit would also give us divine strength and enable us to undergo trials and persecutions on behalf of the Lord’s divine kingdom. We, who have been called and chosen by the Lord Jesus, must choose to fully know the Holy Spirit and become acquainted with Him in an intimate and personal way. In my own life, this kind of spiritual knowledge has resulted in the Holy Spirit leading me in thought and deed. Paul noted the importance of such in Romans 8:14, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.”

By being led (by the Spirit and as a son of God) I have truly experienced His rest. I believe that is it possible for any of us to experience the rest Jesus mentioned in Matthew 11:29-20. “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” His rest is “found” when we “learn” and such learning is “given from” the Father and “sent into” our hearts by the Holy Spirit. Because the Holy Spirit remains, abides, stays and tarries within us, the rest Jesus promised can be ours.

One of the results of this rest is the Holy Spirit being experienced as the Spirit of Truth. When rest comes, struggle ends. There is no need to “struggle to know God.” Why? When we rest in the Spirit of Truth, we are made to know what is true in things appertaining to God (hidden from the minds of men—see 1 Corinthians 2:9-16). He also reveals to us what is true in things that have a bearing on to our duties toward God and others (which we were blinded to prior to our coming to Christ—see 2 Corinthians 4:4).

By resting in His truth, He enables us to oppose the superstitions of everyone without a relationship with Jehovah (i.e., the Gentiles) and to expose the inventions of those chosen by Jehovah to reveal God to the world (i.e., the Jews). The Spirit of Truth also exposes the corrupt opinions and ideas of historical and modern false teachers while enabling us to be free from worldly affection, pretense, simulation, falsehood and deceit.

I believe The Altar of His Presence articulates this kind of rest. In His rest we can experience a new level of spiritual intimacy. In fact, the cover of my book is a snapshot of such and was designed to quickly attract the attention of its intended target audience. As you can see, it has a very distinctive design that speaks to those seeking to cultivate their relationship with the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Our publisher (Destiny Image) is confident that the book’s people-friendly style will inspire people toward biblical truth and practical application.


Please pray with that that the book will make a difference in the lives of people. Rather than the typical 175 plus page Christian Living “self-help” book that seems to be filling the market these days, the book is a people-friendly devotional book, designed to help people move forward in their spiritual lives by experiencing the manifest Presence of the Holy Spirit.

Our research to-date has indicated that there is a sizable market out there for a book just like this. Many who have read the book have been thrilled with the step-by-step approach. They have said the message has helped them experience the dynamic Presence of God in new and exciting ways.

If you have not purchased your copy, I encourage you to do so today. If you have read or are reading your copy, please remember to write a review and share with others that they can purchase a Kindle copy at Amazon.com or at www.thealtarofhispresence.com.

Have a blessed day.



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